Thursday, August 11, 2011

The first day...

When I woke up this morning, I hadn't planned on starting a blog. However, I just recently gave up my Facebook addiction and I needed some kind of outlet to get all my thoughts and ideas out of my here I am....and I can't think of one interesting thing to say. That happens when you reach your 40's. No one tells you that "mommy brain" never truly goes away. It just gets re-termed as CRS, Can't Remember S**t! My kids don't mind at all when I tell them they are grounded because they know in an hour or so I will forget all about it! Speaking of my kids , I have 11 year old twins still living at home. Boy and a girl. Complete opposites. The only thing they ever willingly shared was a womb and that was only because they couldn't voice their protest yet. They are great kids though so I think I may let them stick around a little while longer. I have 3 older kids, a son and 2 daughters, who are all grown up and living on their own. They drive me crazy sometimes. It is weird having grown children while still having young ones at home. I haven't been able to strike that balance between telling them what to do and letting them live their own life. You can never turn off that "mothering" instinct. It is always there ready to deal with any situation that they can get themselves into and at 23, 22 and 20, they get into ALL kinds of situations. I look at my adult kids and I still see "my babies". Wonder if that ever goes away???? Hmmmm, think I'll ponder on that one a little while...

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